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Supreme Court of Nauru |
IN THE MATTER of Ex-parte Application for quashing of temporary order of stay of sentence for the respondents and for the respondents to immediately serve their sentences.
Before: Khan, J
Date of Hearings: 8 June 2018
Date of Ruling: 11 June 2018
Case may be cited as The Republic v Jeremiah and others
CATCHWORDS: Whereas at 13 March 2018 all appeals from the Supreme Court were appealable to the High Court of Australia under the Appeals Act 1972 and Nauru (High Court Appeals Act 1976) (Cth) pursuant to an agreement entered into between the Republic of Nauru and the Commonwealth of Australia – Where the agreement was terminated on 13 March 2018 by the respective governments – Where the Republic of Nauru enacted the Nauru Court of Appeal Act 2018 which provided for rules of the court to be made – Whether the appeals by the appellants is to be filed without the rules of the court being made – Where the applicant filed an ex-parte motion for an order quashing the stay of sentence and for them to be committed to prison – Whether the application was proper.
HELD: Application by the applicants was premature as no rules of the Nauru Court of Appeal have been made. Application dismissed.
Counsel for the Applicant: J Rabuku (DPP) and S Puamau
Counsel for the Respondents: No appearance
Appeals may be filed in the Court of Appeal
Procedure for Commencing Appeals
Appeal from appellant jurisdiction of Supreme Court
S.37 of the Appeals Act 1972 states:
Appeal from the appellant jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
(1) Subject to this section, a party to the an appeal from the District Court to the Supreme Court or the Director of Public Prosecutions may appeal against a judgement, decision or order of the Supreme Court exercising its appellant jurisdiction to the Court:
- With the leave of the Court; and
- On a question of law only.
Save as provided by s.53, procedural matters relating to the appeals from the Supreme Court to the High Court shall be governed by the Rules of the Court relating thereto made under section 86 of the Judiciary Act 1903 of the Commonwealth of Australia.
Procedure for Commencing Appeal
#60;&<;ɘʔ< ـ A6 appeal shall be l be instituted by filing a notice of appeal.
; #60;&<; #10;& #160; (f)  spec specify the precorm oorm of order which the appt con the shouke inng ancial order as to costs.
42.03£ Ti0e fome for filr filing
҈& < < #10;& #160; A 0; A noticeotice of appeal must be filed within 14 days after the latest o foll:
#160;;ټ#160; ټ#160;ـ < ##160 #160; (a)& the grant of leave tove to appeal#60;&<;ɘʔ< ; (b)e; thntgrant of al f al leo app/p>
&ـ҈&ـ҈ &160; #160;  n   &160; #160;#160;  #160; the date of the judgmjudgment below.
42.0542.05.1.1 #160; A60; A noticepof a seall ball be served on each person named as a respondent to the appeal within the time limited by rule 42.03.
42.05.2 ;ټ T60; The Coue Court or a Justay dithat otice oice of appf appeal beal be served on any other person who shall thereupon be added as a party to the appeal.
42.05.3҈&ـ Unless tess the appeal is l is from a Justice, a copy oopy of the notice of appeal shall be lodged with the Prothonotary, the Regr or other proper officer of the court below within the time limited by rule 42.03.
.4 #160;  vicerof the notice of e of appeal may be effected in any manner provided by these Rules for the service of documents oleavicopy e addfor se, if of the pthe parties to be served in the proceedingedings fros from whim which thch the appe appeal is brought.
42.05.5 & W60; Within 7 days after serving or lodging documents in accordance with rule 42.05.1, 42.0r .3, the appe appellant must file an affidavit stating the time and manner of the service or lodg lodgment.
42.08.1  ـt A 0; A respondent who s toes to appeal from a part of the judgment belo who seeks a variation of part of that judgment may, within 7 days after service upon that that respondent of the notice of appeal, file a noti cross-appeal.
42.0842.08.2 A notice of caoss-l peall:hall:
҈&<;< < #10;& #160; (a0; (a) be in For26;<60;#160;;160;; #160;0;&66160;#160;; &҈ 1b)st0; state whte whte what paat part ofrt of the the judgmjudgment bent below elow the respondent cross-appeals from, or contends shoulvarie>
; &ـʔ< <  #10; &<; (60); briefly sfly speclly, ut the grounds relied upon in support of the cross-appeal; and
##160 n#10;&ټ#160;#160;; &116; #(d)& 160; 160; specify they the relief which the respondent seeks in place of the order of the court below or the vion ot ordich the respondent seeks.
.08.3;ټ #160;  Ru0; &#les 4160;42.1442.14 and 42.15 apply with the necessary adaptation to a cross-appeal.42.08.4 A cross-appellant will betentitled to proceed with the cross-appeal only if special leave, may be sought when the appe appeal is called on for hearing, is granted.
42.08.5 ـ W60; Where a respondent does not seek a discharge or variation of a part of the judgment actually pronounced or made, but contends that the judgment ought to be upheld on round the below has erroneously decided, or has failefailed to d to deciddecide, some matter of fact or law, it is not necessary to give a notice of cross-appeal, but that respondent shall file and serve, within the time limited by rule 41, a notice of that contenontention in Form 27.
҈ & &160; #60;& ; &##160 Unless thrt or a Justice oice otherwise orders, an appeall nerate stay of pdings
42.p>42.10.1&10.1 #160; #160; Th0; The appelmust, when then the notice of appeal is filed, file:
#160;; < < & ; &60;;0;#160;#160; (a)&#(a)a) a of the appeal book or door docu documentsments before the Judge or court below; and
ټ ټ&660;#160;; ;ټ&160; #160;#160; #160; (b) a 0; a 0; a list of all ethibits before the primary judge or court below together thosibits
42.10.0;҈& When an exan exhn exhibit ibit cannot be filed in accordance wice with ruth rule 42.10.1, the appe shall stal state the mstann writing and give such information as is necessary to enable the Registrar to cato cause tuse the exhibit to be available to the Coup>
42.13 Preparatioration andng of g of appeal books
42.13.1 ҈ Unless a Justice orce or the Registrar otherwise orders or directs, the appeal book shall be prepared by the appellantccordwith rule.
.13.2 T60; ppe a boal shak shal shall bell be prin printed oted or reproduced by a process which gives uniform copies of pages in a clear and legible type.42.13.3 ҈& T60;page pages of s of the appeal book shall be numbered consecutively and printed on both sides of the sheet.
42.13.4 ;ټ T60; The page pages of the appeal shallnternal size size A4 a A4 and shnd shall be bound in separate volumes of not more than 500 pages (which is to say 250 sheets).
42.1160;&ـ  Where the apbool is bound ound as d as two or more volumes;
&ـʔ< < ;d #60;&< (a0e thle page of eacf each volume shall bear the appate v numbmediafollothe hg ‘Appeal Bool Book’; and
ʔ #160;     ټ &<;< (b0; 160&#the index shallshall contain a sub-heading giving the appropriate volume number before the entry for the first document in ealume.
42 ; The contents of the appeal peal book book shallshall be p be printed with a 2.5 cm margon each side of each each page and everth limberethe largin
42.13.7 & T60; The;appe appeal boal boal book maok may be y be bound by means of either a flexi bindr spiral binding process.
42.13.8 ـ҈ T60; The appe appeal book shall have in each volume:
#60;&<;ɘʔ< ـ (6) a title page setting out tout the fullcorretle o procgs, iing ttle o courow, tmes of the the solicsolicitorsitors for for each each partyparty, the, the addr address fess for service of each party and the telephone, facsimile and reference number of each party; and
& #60;& ; #10;& (60; after the the title itle page, an index consisting of a complete list of documents contained inrecorore turt, as settled under rule 42.12 ining, e caseach document,ment, whet whether iher its tets text isxt is repr reproduced and included in the book or not, and, if it is reproduced and ded, indicating the page of the book on which it appears.
42.13.9 &160; ;d The index to an appn appeal book shall comply with the index prepared under rule 42.12.
42.13.10; The index shall ghee t eocf eocumed shave, in the case of exhibits, its, the ethe exhibixhibit mart mark and, in the case of documents marked only for identification, the et mar any, the lehe letters ‘MFI’ following theg the exhi exhibit mark.
42.13.11 0; Inindex, the the exhibixhibits shall be arranged in the order in which they have been lettered or numbered and there shall be a reference to the page of theal bo which the tendering of exhibits is recorded.
42.13.12 The documen a iappe l book book shall be arranged in the following order:
#160; < n#10;& ; < ـ҈&a)& (60; 160; process and pleadings;ings;
҈& < < #10;&ټ#160;;  (b) dence, oral and afnd affidavit;avit;
& #60;& ; ҈&㺀#1660; (c)& (c) testimony taken onission oion or beforeefore an e an examinxaminer and put in, or used as, evidence; and
& < #160;; (d) #160; its:
ـʔ҈&ـ#1600; #160;;ټ҈  ټ (i) ngeranged, ned, nod, not inot in t in the othe order rder in whin which they have been lettered or numbered as exhibits, but in chogicaer acng to the bornthe dnts or, in then the case case of m of manifeanifestly stly or ador admittedly misdated documents, their known dates;
#160;; < < & ; #60;& #10;&ټ#160; #160; (ii) if a document iated it shat shall be placed in the sequencquence cone contended for by the appellant, but the appellant shall inform the responde the ion, der, proposed for the documdocument and the respondent may require thre that a at a note ‘date and order disputed’ be inserted at the head of the document;
ټ < n#160; ҈ ټ &<;< (i0; (iii) i ethebithiinclude corresprrespondence between, or among, two or pershich d be read consecutively and not interspersed otheumente documents formingrming the the correcorrespondence may be arranged in chronoloonologicalgical orde order and given a position together, at a convenient place in relation to the other exhibits; and
#60;&<;ɘʔ< ـʔ ـ ; (i0) ingerroietories, as anddavnddavitdocumshallbe co except so far as they were put in evidence;
#60; &160; #160;#160;  d ;d #60;&<ټ (60; (e) theons for judgment of thef the primary Judge or court;
<҈ n#1600;҈&  (f) a copy of the sealed jled jled judgmeudgment or order of the primary Judge or court;
&#𨤐###160   &ـ&; (g))) th0; th0; the notece oice oice of appeal, if any, from that judgment to a court other than the Court;
#160;; & &ـ҈  &1160 #160;#160; #160; ; (h) if the jude judgment belowbelow is that of a courrcisipellarisdi:
#160;; < ;d #60;< &160;&160; #160; ـ & ;d &&;1600;҈& (i)& the rthe reasons for the judgment below; andp> < &160;  &  n#10;& ҈&ـ #160; &160;#160; ټ (ii)&#a 0; a copy oopy of the sealed order or judgment of the court below;
160;&ـ ټ#160;#160;;  &160;  &  (i0 t6e orhe order oder of thef the Court granting leave or speciale to l;ټ#160; n#60;  &160; #160; ټ 16)any; any notice ntentntent/p> <60; ټ#160;;ټ ټ <&&160; #160; (l); anyicpplication for sfor special leave to cross-appeal 160;&ـ҈& < &1160;#160; &160; ##16; & (m) a cera certificate that the appeal book has bxamind is ct, signed by the solicitors for the parties.42.13.13 The date and aand a short hort description of the nature of each document shall pr it, but formal headings shgs shall not be printed or copied, and jurats, formal identification of exhibits, and the like, shall be omitted.
42.13.14 The l book shall be preparrepared and produced in a manner satisfactory to the Registrar.
42.13.15 㼠 Unless a Justice oice or the Registrar otherwise orders or directs, the appellant must, within 14 days after the day whe index is settled under rule 42.12:
#160; ҈ ټ ;; < ټ 16)fil; file 12 copies oies of the appeal book; and
#160; <҈&&;16000;#1660;#160; 㺼 serve 3  copi;copi;copies ofes of the the appeaappeal book on each respondent who has filed a notice of appearance.
42.ـ &#One of the 12 copieshe apbook red to into in rule rule  42.13.15 3.15 shall be an e an examined copy containing ning an original certificate by the parties, or their solicitors, that it has been examined and is correct.
42.14.1 ـ A60; An appellant may discontinue an appeal by filing a notice of discuance in Form 25 anderving the notice on e on the respondent.
42.14.2 #160; Unless tue Cousa J tgistraistrar, oth, otherwiserwise orders or directs, an appellant who discontinues an appeal shall pall pay the respondent’s costs in resof theal, uch costs shall be taxed, unless agreed.
.4 Filing the notice oc disnuntinuance shall be sufficient authority for the taxation of costs.
41¡ټ#160;; A6 anyt any time time afte afte after ther the fili filing of the notice of appeal, the Registrar may give directions as to atter appears to the Registrar to be a convenient matt matter upon which to give directions.
.42.15.2 #160; The Registrar may gmay give directions under rule 42.15.1 without any hea or,, or, at the Registrar’s discretioy, attime,e a ss requiring the parties to attend before the Registrar.
p> #160; ټ#10; < n#160; ҈ appe0appeal frol from the refusal by a Justice of an application made without notice to any other parr party shall be brought within the time and in the r preed by 42, except that if there iere iere is no s no person interested in resisting the application, or affected by the relief sought, service of the noti appeal and of other process or notices is not required.
Part 43—Applications apealppeals from the Supreme Court of Nauru
<#160;ـ < ـʔ ـ< Thi; This part appto appliapplication appeo the Court from the Supreme Court of Nauru underunder the Nauru (Higrt Appealppealppeals) Act 1976.
&   #160; #10;& #160; Wanre peal to the Court asrt as of right or by leave of the trial Judge, the provisions of Part 42 ap42 apply to appeal witl with such variations as are necessary.
Under s.56(2) of the Acte Act it is provided as: RULES The Chief Justice may make rules of the Court for carrying this Act into effect and the practice and procedure of the Court. CONCLUSION DATED this 11 day of June 2018 Mohammed Shafiullah Khan [1] Kun v Secretary for Justice and Border Control [2015] NRSC 18.
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