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Federated States of Micronesia - 19th FSM Congress Public Laws |
Public Law No. |
Effective Date |
Title |
19-173 |
04.28.17 |
further amend Public Law No. 19-54, as amended by Public Laws Nos.
19-62, 19-75, 19-79, 19-99, 19-119, 19-129, 19-136, and 19-144, by
amending sections 4 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds
previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social
programs in the states of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-172 |
04.28.17 |
To amend sections 101, 102, 103, 106, 107 and
108 of title 18 of the code of the Federated States of Micronesia
(Annotated) and inserting new sections 102A, 105A, 105B, 105C and 107A
sections to establish additional maritime zones, extension of
continental shelf and baselines as recognized by the Law of the Sea
Convention, to bring title 18 in conformity with contemporary norms and
practices under international law, to incorporate treaty obligations
assumed by the Federated States of Micronesia such as maritime boundary
delimitation treaties with neighboring nations, and for other purposes. |
19-171 |
04.20.17 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-141, as amended by
Public Law No. 19-147, by amending section 1 thereof, to change the use
of fund previously appropriated therein for the purpose of funding
public projects and social programs for the people of Chuuk, and for
other purposes. |
19-170 |
04.20.17 |
To appropriate the sum of $200,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2017, for the purpose of funding public projects
and social programs in the states of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk,
and for other purposes. |
19-169 |
04.18.17 |
To amend sections 101, 102, 103, 106,
204,205,303, 402, 404, 407, 603, 606, 611, 701, 907, 910 and 911 of
title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated),
as amended by Public Law No. 18-109, in order to enhance the ability of
the Government of the Federated States of Micronesia to enforce, in its
territory or exclusive economic zone and other zones where FSM-flagged
or FSM-licensed vessels undertake fishing activities, the national
fishery laws, regulations, and the international obligations including
those in the Third Implementing Arrangement of the Parties to the Nauru
Agreement, and the obligations assumed by the FSM Government on
conservation, sustainable exploitation and management of fishery
resources taking into consideration the national development needs and
aspirations of the FSM, and for other purposes. |
19-168 |
04.18.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-93, as
amended by Public Law No. 19-104, by amending section 1 thereof, to
clarify the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund
priority infrastructure projects and other programs in the state of
Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-167 |
04.18.17 |
To amend title 24 of the Code of the Federated
States of Micronesia (Annotated), by inserting a new section 505, that
declares as a closed area, the twelve mile area seaward of the
territorial sea, not to extend beyond twenty-four nautical miles from
the baseline from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured,
prohibiting commercial fishing and exploitation of natural resources
thereon, and for other purposes. |
19-166 |
04.17.17 |
To amend section 108 of title 4 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as amended, to increase
the salaries of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme
Court of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. To amend section 108 of title 4 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated) to increase the salaries
of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the
Federated States of Micronesia, and for other purposes. |
19-165 |
04.17.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-60, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-71, 19-80, 19-103 and 19-148, by
amending section 2 thereof, to change the use of certain funds
previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding essential
government functions, programs, projects and activities in the state of
Yap, and for other purposes. |
19-164 |
04.17.17 |
To amend sections 201 and 202 of title 24 of
the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia, as amended by Public
Law No. 19-21, to modify the term limit of members of the National
Oceanic Resource Management Authority of the Federated States of
Micronesia, and for other purposes. |
19-163 |
04.17.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-10, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-26, 19-42, 19-51, 19-56, 19-72, 19-78,
19-96 and 19-132, by amending sections 3 and 5 thereof, to change the
use of funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of
funding public projects and social programs in the states of Kosrae and
Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-162 |
04.17.17 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-152, by amending
sections 2, 3, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of
certain funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of
funding public projects and social programs for the people of Yap,
Kosrae, and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-161 |
04.17.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 15-80, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-04, 17-53, 18-37, 18-66, 19-14 and
19-105, by amending sections 1 and 2 thereof, for the purpose of
changing the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated
therein, for public projects and social programs in the state of
Kosrae, and for other purposes. |
19-160 |
04.11.17 |
To amend sections 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 12 of
Public Law No. 19-118, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-125, 19-131,
19-135 and 19-146, in order to appropriate $1,684,000 of additional
funds from the General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for
the Fiscal Year ending September 30, 2017, to change the allottee of
funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. |
19-159 |
04.10.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-89, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-94, 19-127 and 19-151, by amending
sections 3, 4 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously
appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and
social programs for the people of Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk States, and
for other purposes. |
19-158 |
04.10.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-121, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-130, 19-142 and 19-145, by amending
section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated
therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs
for the people of the state of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-157 |
04.10.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 15-32, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 15-36, 15-44, 15-57, 15-63, 15-72, 15-78,
16-03, 16-11, 16-33, 16-46, 17-12, 17-21, 17-33, 17-40, 18-17, 18-67,
18-85, 18-104, 19-17 and 19-100, by amending sections 1 and 2 thereof,
for the purpose of changing the use, allottee and the lapse date of
certain funds previously appropriated therein to fund public projects
and social programs for the people of Yap and Chuuk States, and for
other purposes. |
19-156 |
03.28.17 OVERRIDE |
To amend section 506 of title 55 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as amended, to provide
the Public Auditor with the powers to investigate allegations of white
collar crime, and for other purposes. |
19-155 |
03.28.17 OVERRIDE |
To amend Public Law No. 19-85 to restrict any
negotiations with the United States contemplated or proposed by the
Joint Committee on Compact Review and Planning (JCRP) to Title Two
Economic Provisions of the Amended Compact of Free Association, and for
other purposes : [CB 19-256] SCR
No. 19-216 (W&M) |
19-154 |
03.28.17 OVERRIDE |
To amend section 219 of title 55 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as amended, to allow
sub-allottees who are members of Congress to submit an affidavit
describing the amount and nature of an expenditure, as sufficient
evidence to support a legal obligation in the case of representation
expenses and official expense allowance expenses, without requiring
such sub-allottees to provide other formal approval such as a
certification by the Speaker of Congress, and for other purposes. |
19-153 |
03.28.17 OVERRIDE |
To further amend title 52 of the Code of the
Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as amended, by amending
section 124 of chapter 1, to require payment of the full per day
stipend to a traveler to an outer island regardless of whether a
traveler is receiving accommodation on a vessel, to allow certain
expense allowances to be approved by the person approving the TA, and
for other purposes. |
19-152 |
02.13.17 |
To appropriate the sum of $700,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2017, for the purpose of funding public projects
and social programs for the people of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk
States, and for other purposes. |
19-151 |
02.13.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-89, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-94 and 19-127, by amending section 5
thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein,
for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs for the
people of Chuuk State, and for other purposes. |
19-150 |
02.13.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-124, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-133 and 19-140, by amending section 5
thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein to
fund priority infrastructure projects and other programs in the state
of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-149 |
02.13.17 |
To simplify the rules and procedures in
approving foreign grants by amending section 210 and repealing section
211 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia
(Annotated), as amended, and for other purposes. |
19-148 |
02.13.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-60, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-71, 19-80 and 19-103, by amending
section 2 thereof, to change the use of certain funds previously
appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding essential government
functions, programs, projects and activities in the state of Yap, and
for other purposes. |
19-147 |
02.13.17 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-141, by amending
section 1 thereof, to change the use of fund previously appropriated
therein for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs
for the people of the state of Chuuk, and for other purposes. To amend Public Law No. 19-141 to change the
use of fund previously appropriated therein for the purpose of funding
public projects and social programs for the people of the state of Chuuk |
19-146 |
02.13.17 |
To amend sections 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 of Public
Law No. 19-118, as amended by Public Laws No. 19-125, 19-131, and
19-135, in order to appropriate $1,410,390 of additional funds from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the Fiscal Year
ending September 30, 2017, to correct for a technical error regarding
SEG funding in the amount of $556,074, and for other purposes. |
19-145 |
02.07.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-121, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-130 and 19-142, by amending sections 4
and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated
therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs
for the people of the states of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other
purposes. |
19-144 |
02.07.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-54, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-62, 19-75, 19-79, 19-99, 19-119, 19-129
and 19-136 by amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds
previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social
programs for the people of Chuuk State, and for other purposes. |
19-143 |
02.06.17 |
To further amend title 54 of the Code of the
Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as amended, by creating a
new chapter 6 to provide for availability, access, and exchange of
information for taxation purposes, and for other purposes. |
19-142 |
01.09.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-121, as
amended by Public Law No. 19-130, by amending sections 3, 4, 5 and 6
thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds previously
appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and
social programs for the people of the states of Kosrae, Pohnpei and
Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-141 |
01.09.17 |
To appropriate the sum of $700,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2017, to provide funding for the defunded programs
and activities of the government of the state of Kosrae, to fund public
projects and social programs for the People of the state of Chuuk, and
for other purposes. |
19-140 |
01.05.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-124, as
amended by Public Law No. 19-133, by amending sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
and 6 thereof, to deappropriate an amount of $700,000 from the
infrastructure priority projects funding for the states of Kosrae and
Chuuk and to change the use and allottee of funds previously
appropriated therein to fund priority infrastructure projects in the
states of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-139 |
01.05.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112, 18-122, 19-07, 19-24, 19-41,
19-52, 19-73, 19-82, 19-101 and 19-114, by amending section 2 thereof,
to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, for
the purpose of funding public projects and social programs for the
people of Yap State, and for other purposes. |
19-138 |
01.05.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-11, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-44, 18-81, 19-33, 19-106, 19-128 and
19-134, by amending sections 1 and 2 thereof, to change the use and
allottee of funds previously appropriated for public projects and
social programs in the state of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-137 |
01.05.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-64, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-81, 19-97 and 19-120, by amending
section 1 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated
therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs
in the state of Kosrae, and for other purposes. |
19-136 |
01.05.17 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-54, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-62, 19-75, 19-79, 19-99, 19-119 and
19-129 by amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds
previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social
programs in the state of Chuuk, and for other purposes. To further amend Public Law No. 19-54 to change
the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public
projects and social programs in the state of Chuuk |
19-135 |
12.20.16 |
To amend sections 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 12 of
Public Law No. 19-118, as amended by Public Law No. 19-125, in order to
appropriate $877,000 of additional funds from the General Fund of the
Federated States of Micronesia for the Fiscal Year ending September 30,
2017, to clarify certain line items and to modify their language to
change their intended use, to divide one particular line item into two
separate line items, to change the allottees for three line items, and
for other purposes. |
19-134 |
11.28.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-11, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-44, 18-81, 19-33, 19-106 and 19-128, by
amending section 1 thereof, to correct a technical error, and for other
purposes. |
19-133 |
11.28.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-124, by amending
sections 4 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds
previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding priority
infrastructure projects in the state of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-132 |
11.28.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-10, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-26, 19-42, 19-51, 19-56, 19-72, 19-78
and 19-96, by amending section 6 thereof, to change the allottee of
funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding
public projects and social programs in the state of Pohnpei, and for
other purposes. |
19-131 |
11.25.16 |
To appropriate a supplemental budget in the
amount of $556,074 from the General Fund of the Federated States of
Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2017, by amending
the title and sections 1 and 9 of Public Law 19-118, as amended by
Public Law 19-125, to fund a particular project out of the Supplemental
Education Grant (SEG) funds, and for other purposes. |
19-130 |
11.25.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-121 by amending
sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds
previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of public projects and
social programs in the states of Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for
other purposes. |
19-129 |
11.25.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-54, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-62, 19-75, 19-79, 19-99 and 19-119, by
amending sections 4 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of
funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and
social programs in the state of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-128 |
11.01.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-11, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-44, 18-81, 19-33 and 19-106, by amending
section 1 and 2 thereof, to change to use and allottee of funds
previously appropriated therein for the states of Pohnpei and Yap, and
for other purposes. |
19-127 |
10.26.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-89, as amended by
Public Law No. 19-94, by amending section 6 thereof, to change the
allottee of funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of
funding public projects and social programs in the state of Pohnpei,
and for other purposes. |
19-126 |
10.17.16 |
To amend title 19 of the Code of the Federated
States of Micronesia (Annotated), by inserting a new chapter 13
entitled "Administrative and Legal Procedures" that was unintentionally
omitted from the 2014 F.S.M.C. (Annotated), and for other purposes. |
19-125 |
10.17.16 |
To amend the title and sections 1, 2, 3, 8, 9,
10 and 12 of Public Law No. 19-118, to correct for arithmetic and other
technical errors, to make certain clarifications, to remove funding for
certain items in response to the President’s line item vetoes in the
FY17 National Government Budget, to increase funding for one line item,
to adjust certain totals, to add an allottee, and for other purposes. |
19-124 |
10.07.16 |
To appropriate the sum of $12,000,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2017, for the purpose of funding priority
infrastructure projects in all of the four states, and for other
purposes. |
19-123 |
10.06.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03,
18-10, 18-13, 18-32, 18-46, 18-58, 18-87, 18-95, 19-16, 19-47 and
19-98, by amending section 4 therein, for the purpose of changing the
use of certain funds previously appropriated thereof, to fund public
projects and social programs for Pohnpei State, and for other purposes. |
19-122 |
10.06.16 |
To further amend section 9 of Public Law No.
19-32, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-61, 19-83, and 19-95, to
clarify the distribution of a certain amount previously appropriated
for the FSM Trust Fund and change the use of certain funds previously
appropriated therein for the purpose of funding Chuuk State priority
Infrastructure Projects, and for other purposes. |
19-121 |
10.06.16 |
To appropriate the sum of $5,450,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2017, for the purpose of funding public projects
and social programs in the states of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk,
and for other purposes. |
19-120 |
10.06.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-64, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-81 and 19-97, by amending section 1
thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein,
for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the
state of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-119 |
10.06.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-54, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-62, 19-75, 19-79 and 19-99, by amending
section 4 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds
previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social
programs in the state of Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-118 |
10.03.16 OVERRIDE |
To appropriate $70,015,981 from the General
Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2017, to provide funding for the operations of all
branches of the National Government of the Federated States of
Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and
contributions and Capital and Human Resources Development, and for
other purposes. |
19-117 |
09.30.16 |
To appropriate $70,015,981 from the General
Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2017, to provide funding for the operations of all
branches of the National Government of the Federated States of
Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and
contributions and Capital and Human Resources Development, and for
other purposes. |
19-116 |
09.30.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-65, to allow for
funds previously appropriated for the Chuuk airport terminal pushcarts
to be made available for other programs, and for other purposes. |
19-115 |
09.30.16 |
To appropriate the sum of $3,330,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016, for the purpose of funding the contract for
the Project Management Unit and education for the dual citizenship
referendum, and for other purposes. |
19-114 |
09.30.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112, 18-122, 19-07, 19-24, 19-41,
19-52,19-73, 19-82 and 19-101, by amending sections 2 and 3 thereof, to
change the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, for
the purpose of funding public projects and social programs for the
people of Yap and Kosrae States, and for other purposes. |
19-113 |
09.30.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-59, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-63, 17-66, 17-70, 17-77, 17-86, 18-21,
18-29, 18-64, 18-83 and 19-18, by amending section 6 thereof, for the
purpose of changing the lapse date of certain funds previously
appropriated therein, and for other purposes. |
19-112 |
09.30.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-89, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-102, 18-110, 18-116, 19-02, 19-09,
19-27, 19-28, 19-31 and 19-58, by amending section 13 thereof, to
change the lapse date of funds previously appropriated therein, and for
other purposes. |
19-111 |
09.29.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 16-62, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-71, 17-05, 17-18, 17-29, 17-47, 18-23,
18-33, 18-50, 18-79, 19-19 and 19-44, by amending section 6 thereof, to
change lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and
for other purposes. |
19-110 |
09.29.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 16-49, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-68, 16-76, 17-06, 17-10, 17-23, 17-30,
17-32, 17-45, 17-82, 17-85, 18-28, 18-45, 18-59, 18-86 and 19-11, by
amending section 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the lapse date
of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other
purposes. |
19-109 |
09.29.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-36, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-48, 17-78, 17-87, 18-36, 18-65, 18-84
and 19-22, by amending section 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing
the lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to
fund public projects and social programs for each of the states, and
for other purposes. |
19-108 |
09.29.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 16-18, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-24, 16-32, 16-39, 16-45, 16-54, 16-67,
17-04, 17-14, 17-26, 17-39, 17-65, 18-27, 18-47, 18-80 and 19-13, by
amending section 2 thereof, to change the lapse date of certain funds
previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. |
19-107 |
09.29.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-99, as
amended by Public Laws Nos.18-106, 18-113, 18-121, 19-05, 19-34, 19-57
and 19-74, by amending section 6 thereof, to change the lapse date of
funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and
social programs for the people of the states of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei
and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-106 |
09.29.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 18-11, as amended by
Public Laws Nos. 18-44, 18-81 and 19-33, by amending section 2 thereof,
to change the lapse date of funds previously appropriated therein, and
for other purposes. |
19-105 |
09.29.16 |
further amend Public Law No. 15-80, as amended by Public Laws Nos.
16-04, 17-53, 18-37, 18-66 and 19-14, by amending section 2 thereof,
for the purpose of changing the lapse date of certain funds previously
appropriated therein, and for other purposes. |
19-104 |
09.29.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-93, by amending
section 1 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of funds
previously appropriated therein to fund priority infrastructure
projects and other programs in the state of Chuuk, and for other
purposes. |
19-103 |
08.23.16 |
further amend Public Law No. 19-60, as amended by Public Laws Nos.
19-71 and 19-80, by amending sections 2 and 6 thereof, to change the
use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein, for
the purpose of funding essential government functions, programs,
projects and activities in the states of Yap and Pohnpei, and for other
purposes. |
19-102 |
08.23.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-117, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-120, 19-04, 19-08, 19-35, 19-49, 19-59
and 19-76, by amending sections 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use,
lapse date and allottee of funds previously appropriated therein, for
the purpose of funding public projects and social programs for the
people of the states of Yap, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-101 |
08.23.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112, 18-122, 19-07, 19-24, 19-41,
19-52,19-73 and 19-82, by amending sections 2, 5 and 6 thereof, to
change the use and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated
therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs
for the people of Chuuk State and Yap State, and for other purposes. |
19-100 |
08.23.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 15-32, as amended by
Public Laws Nos. 15-36, 15-44, 15-57, 15-63, 15-72, 15-78, 16-03,
16-11, 16-33, 16-46, 17-12, 17-21, 17-33, 17-40, 18-17, 18-67, 18-85,
18-104 and 19-17, by amending section 1 and 2 thereof, for the purpose
of changing the use and the lapse date of certain funds previously
appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs in the
states of Yap and Kosrae, and for other purposes. |
19-99 |
08.22.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-54, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-62, 19-75 and 19-79, by amending
sections 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds
previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social
programs in the states of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-98 |
08.17.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03,
18-10, 18-13, 18-32, 18-46, 18-58, 18-87, 18-95, 19-16 and 19-47, by
amending sections 4 and 6 therein, for the purpose of changing the use
and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated to fund public
projects and social programs for Pohnpei State, and for other purposes. |
19-97 |
08.15.16 |
further amend Public Law No. 19-64, as amended by Public Law No. 19-81,
by amending sections 1 and 2 thereof, |
19-96 |
08.15.16 |
further amend Public Law No. 19-10, as amended by Public Laws Nos.
19-26, 19-42, 19-51, 19-56, 19-72 and 19-78, by amending section 4
thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein,
for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the
state Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-95 |
08.15.16 |
appropriate a supplemental budget in the amount of $1,148,684 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016, by amending sections 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 11 of
Public Law No. 19-32, as amended by Public Laws No. 19-45, 19-61, and
19-83, and for other purposes. |
19-94 |
08.15.16 |
amend Public Law No. 19-89, by amending sections 2, 4, 5 and 6 thereof,
to change the use and allottee of funds previously appropriated
therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs
in the states of Yap, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-93 |
08.11.16 |
appropriate the sum of $500,000 from the General Fund of the Federated
States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, for
the purpose of funding priority infrastructure projects and other
programs in the state of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-92 |
06.06.16 |
further amend title 40 of the Code of the Federated States of
Micronesia (Annotated), as amended by Public Law No. 19-90, by creating
a new section 397, to provide for a transition period until the initial
National Scholarship Board members are confirmed and the Board is
functional, and for other purposes. |
19-91 |
06.14.16 |
To amend section 203 of title 7 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), to provide that as
matter of evidence the renewal of FSM passports constitutes a
rebuttable presumption of renunciation of dual citizenship, and for
other purposes. |
19-90 |
06.06.16 |
To amend title 40 of the Code of the Federated
States of Micronesia (Annotated), as authorized by Public Law No.
18-86, by creating a new sub-chapter VIII under chapter 3, to establish
a national scholarship board, and for other purposes. |
19-89 |
06.06.16 |
To appropriate the sum of $1,400,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016, for the purpose of funding public projects
and social programs in the states of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk,
and for other purposes. |
19-88 |
06.03.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31, 18-38, 18-72, 18-82,
18-93, 18-105, 19-03 and 19-20, 19-43, 19-50 and 19-55 by amending
section 5 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds
previously appropriated therein, for public projects and social
programs in the state of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-87 |
06.03..16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03,
18-10, 18-13, 18-32, 18-46, 18-58, 18-87, 18-95, 19-16 and 19-47, by
amending section 4 therein, for the purpose of changing the use of
certain funds previously appropriated to fund public projects and
social programs for Pohnpei State, and for other purposes. |
19-86 |
06.03.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61, 18-63, 18-78, 18-98, 18-111,
18-123, 19-06, 19-12, 19-40, 19-48 and 19-53, by amending section 4
thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to
fund public projects and social programs for the people of the state of
Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-85 |
06.02.16 |
To establish the Joint Committee on Compact
Review and Planning and its Secretariat, for the purpose of
coordinating the Nation’s preparation efforts towards effective and
smooth post Compact government upon expiration of the Compact in 2023,
and for other purposes. |
19-84 |
06.01.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 15-32, as amended by
Public Laws Nos. 15-36, 15-44, 15-57, 15-63, 15-72, 15-78, 16-03,
16-11, 16-33, 16-46, 17-12, 17-21, 17-33, 17-40, 18-17, 18-67, 18-85,
18-104 and 19-17, by amending section 1 thereof, for the purpose of
changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to
fund public projects and social programs in the states of Yap and
Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-83 |
03.31.16 |
To appropriate a supplemental budget in the
amount of $2,468,650 from the General Fund of the Federated States of
Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, by amending
sections 1, 2, 3, 8, 9 and 12 of Public Law No. 19-32, as amended by
Public Laws No. 19-45 and 19-61,for other purposes. |
19-82 |
05.27.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112, 18-122, 19-07, 19-24, 19-41,
19-52 and 19-73 by amending section 2 thereof, to change the use of
certain funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of
funding public projects and social programs for the people of Yap
State, and for other purposes. |
19-81 |
05.27..16 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-64, by amending
sections 1 and 2 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds
previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public
projects and social programs in the states of Kosrae and Pohnpei, and
for other purposes. |
19-80 |
05.27.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-60, as
amended by Public Law No. 19-71, by amending sections 4 and 6 thereof,
to change the use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated
therein, for the purpose of funding essential government functions,
programs, projects and activities in the state of Pohnpei, and for
other purposes. |
19-79 |
05.27.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-54, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-62 and 19-75, by amending sections 3 and
4 thereof, to change the use of certain funds previously appropriated
therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs
for the people of Kosrae and Pohnpei States, and for other purposes. |
19-78 |
05.27.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-10, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-26, 19-42, 19-51, 19-56 and 19-72, by
amending sections 2, 4 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of
funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding
public projects and social programs in the states of Yap and Pohnpei,
and for other purposes. |
19-77 |
05.13.15 |
To amend section 113 of title 50 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), to restore the cap on
the Entry Permit Revolving Fund, and for other purposes. |
19-76 |
04.07.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-117, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-120, 19-04, 19-08, 19-35, 19-49 and
19-59, by amending sections 2 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds
previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public
projects and social programs for the people of the states of Yap and
Chuuk, and for other purposes. :[CB
19-136 | CD.1] Line-item Veto |
19-75 |
04.04..16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-54, as
amended by Public Law No. 19-62, by amending sections 3 and 6 thereof,
to change the use and allottee of funds previously appropriated
therein, to fund public projects and social programs in the states of
Kosrae and Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-74 |
04.01.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-99, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-106, 18-113, 18-121, 19-05, 19-34 and
19-57, by amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds
previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social
programs for the people of the state of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-73 |
03.24.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112, 18-122, 19-07, 19-24, 19-41
and 19-52, by amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of certain
funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding
public projects and social programs for the people of Chuuk State, and
for other purposes. |
19-72 |
03.23.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-10, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-26, 19-42, 19-51 and 19-56, by amending
sections 3 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously
appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and
social programs in the states of Kosrae and Chuuk, and for other
purposes. |
19-71 |
03.21..16 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-60, by amending
sections 2, 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of
certain funds previously appropriated therein for the purpose of
funding essential government functions, programs, projects and
activities in the states of Yap, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other
purposes. |
19-70 |
03.18.16 |
To propose the repeal of article III, section 3
of the Constitution of the Federated States of Micronesia, for the
purpose of enabling citizens of the Federated States of Micronesia to
retain or obtain citizenship of another state without being required to
relinquish citizenship of the Federated States of Micronesia, and for
other purposes. |
19-69 |
03.14.16 |
To amend section 115 of title 52 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), to raise the mandatory
retirement age for National Government employees from sixty to
sixty-five, and for other purposes.:[CB 19-117] |
19-68 |
03.14.16 |
To appropriate the sum of $50,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016, for the purpose of funding relief efforts in
the Republic of Fiji due to the effects of Cyclone Winston, and for
other purposes.:[CB 19-138] |
19-67 |
03.04.16 |
To amend sections 1202, 1204, 1211, 1213, 1214,
1215, 1216, 1217 and 1222 of title 55 of the Code of the Federated
States of Micronesia (Annotated), as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-74
and 18-119, to update and improve the functionality of the FSM Trust
Fund, and for other purposes.:[CB 19-103] |
19-66 |
03.04.16 |
To amend section 903 of title 54 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), to provide for the
waiver of penalties and interest on delinquent taxes paid during a
specific period, and for other purposes. |
19-65 |
03.04..16 |
appropriate the sum of $866,000 from the General Fund of the Federated
States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, for
the purpose of reappropriating a portion of the funding from FY15 for
Priority Infrastructure Projects for the state of Chuuk, and for other
purposes. |
19-64 |
03.01.16 |
To appropriate the sum of $3,050,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016, for the purpose of funding public projects
and social programs in the states of Kosrae and Pohnpei, and for other
purposes. |
19-63 |
03.01.16 |
To amend section 204 of title 2 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), to provide for an
Office of Veteran’s Affairs, and for other purposes. |
19-62 |
03.01.16 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-54, by amending
sections 4, 5, and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of certain
funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding
public projects and social programs for the people of Pohnpei and Chuuk
States, and for other purposes. |
19-61 |
02.17.16 |
To appropriate a supplemental budget in the
amount of $1,906,232 from the General Fund of the Federated States of
Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, by amending
sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9 and 12 of Public Law No. 19-32, as amended by
Public Law No. 19-45, and for other purposes. |
19-60 |
02.17.16 |
To appropriate the sum of $1,600,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016, for the purpose of funding essential
government functions, programs, projects and activities in the states
of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-59 |
02.15.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-117, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-120, 19-04, 19-08, 19-35 and 19-49, by
amending sections 2, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of
funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding
public projects and social programs for the people of the states of Yap
and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-58 |
02.16.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-89, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-102, 18-110, 18-116, 19-02, 19-09,
19-27, 19-28 and 19-31, by amending sections 1 and 9 thereof, to
decrease $300,000 previously appropriated therein, and for other
purposes. |
19-57 |
02.10.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-99, as
amended by Public Laws Nos.18-106, 18-113, 18-121, 19-05 and 19-34, by
amending section 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously
appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social programs for
the people of the state of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-56 |
02.10.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-10, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-26, 19-42 and 19-51, by amending section
5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein,
for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs in the
state of Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-55 |
02.10.16 |
further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos.
18-07, 18-14, 18-31, 18-38, 18-72, 18-82, 18-93, 18-105, 19-03, 19-20,
19-43 and 19-50, by amending section 4 thereof, for the purpose of
changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to
fund public projects and social programs in the state of Pohnpei, and
for other purposes. |
19-54 |
02.08.16 |
To appropriate the sum of $4,800,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016, for the purpose of funding public projects
and social programs in the states of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk,
and for other purposes. |
19-53 |
02.08.16 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61, 18-63, 18-78, 18-98, 18-111,
18-123, 19-06, 19-12, 19-40 and 19-48, by amending section 4 thereof,
to change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund
public projects and social programs for the people of the state of
Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-52 |
12.22.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112, 18-122, 19-07, 19-24 and
19-41, by amending sections 2, 4 and 5 thereof, to change the use of
certain funds previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of
funding public projects and social programs for the people of Yap,
Pohnpei and Chuuk States, and for other purposes. |
19-51 |
12.22.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-10, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 19-26 and 19-42, by amending sections 3, 4,
5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds previously
appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and
social programs in the states of Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for
other purposes. |
19-50 |
12.22.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31, 18-38, 18-72, 18-82,
18-93, 18-105, 19-03, 19-20 and 19-43, by amending sections 3 and 4
thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds
previously appropriated therein, for public projects and social
programs in the States of Yap and Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-49 |
12.15.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-117, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-120, 19-04, 19-08 and 19-35, by amending
sections 4 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously
appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and
social programs for the people of the states of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and
for other purposes. |
19-48 |
12.11.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61, 18-63, 18-78, 18-98, 18-111,
18-123, 19-06, 19-12 and 19-40 by amending sections 2 and 4 thereof, to
change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public
projects and social programs for the people of the states of Yap and
Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-47 |
12.11.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03,
18-10, 18-13, 18-32, 18-46, 18-58, 18-87, 18-95 and 19-16, by amending
section 4 therein, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds
previously appropriated to fund public projects and social programs for
Pohnpei State, and for other purposes. |
19-46 |
11.30.15 |
To further amend section 632 of title 55 of the
Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as amended by
Public Law No. 19-39, to correct a technical error, and for other
purposes. |
19-45 |
11.27.15 |
To appropriate a supplemental budget in the
amount of $112,500 from the General Fund of the Federated States of
Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2016, by amending
sections 1, 8, and 12 of Public Law No. 19-32, to provide for an
additional contribution to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, to pay
overdue membership fees, to designate the allottee and change the
allottee of funds previously appropriated therein, and for other
purposes. |
19-44 |
11.04.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 16-62, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-71, 17-05, 17-18, 17-29, 17-47, 18-23,
18-33, 18-50, 18-79 and 19-19, by amending section 5 thereof, to change
the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to fund
public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for
other purposes. |
19-43 |
11.04.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31, 18-38, 18-72, 18-82,
18-93, 18-105, 19-03 and 19-20, by amending sections 2, 4 and 5
thereof, for the purpose of changing the use of certain funds
previously appropriated therein, for public projects and social
programs in the States of Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other
purposes. |
19-42 |
11.02.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 19-10, as
amended by Public Law No. 19-26, by amending sections 2, 3 and 6
thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds previously
appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and
social programs in the States of Yap and Kosrae, and for other purposes. |
19-41 |
11.02.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112, 18-122, 19-07 and 19-24, by
amending sections 2 and 5 thereof, to change the use of certain funds
previously appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public
projects and social programs for the people of Yap and Chuuk States,
and for other purposes. |
19-40 |
10.29.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61, 18-63, 18-78, 18-98, 18-111,
18-123, 19-06 and 19-12, by amending sections 2 and 5 thereof, to
change the use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public
projects and social programs for the people of the States of Yap and
Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-39 |
10.29.15 |
To amend sections 632 of title 55 of the Code
of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), for the purpose of
increasing the threshold of the Fisheries Observer Revolving Fund to
$1,000,000, and for other purposes. |
19-38 |
10.29.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 16-58, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-64, 16-72, 17-08, 17-11, 17-20, 17-35,
17-41 and 18-77, by amending sections 5 and 6 thereof, to change the
use and allottee of certain funds previously appropriated therein, to
fund public projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for
other purposes. |
19-37 |
10.28.15 |
To appropriate the sum of $250,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2016, for the purpose of funding the Observer and
Port Sampler Program, and for other purposes. |
19-36 |
10.28.15 |
To further amend sections 503, 913 and 914 of
title 24 of the Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated),
as amended by Public Laws No. 18-108 and 19-21, to allow the disposal
at sea of by-catch after recording the by-catch in a daily catch report
form, to allow for alternate methods of the reporting and disposal of
sharks, to clarify the standards for criminal and civil penalties and
to allow for clarification of the penalty provision, and for other
purposes. |
19-35 |
10..27.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-117, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-120, 19-04 and 19-08, by amending
sections 2, 3, 4 and 5 thereof, to change the use of funds previously
appropriated therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and
social programs for the people of the States of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei
and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-34 |
10.01.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-99, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-106, 18-113, 18-121 and 19-05, by
amending sections 2, 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee
of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and
social programs for the people of the States of Yap, Pohnpei and Chuuk,
and for other purposes. |
19-33 |
09.30.15 |
To amend Public Law No. 18-11, as amended by
Public Laws Nos. 18-44 and 18-81, by amending section 2 thereof, to
change the lapse date of funds previously appropriated therein, and for
other purposes. |
19-32 |
09.30.15 |
To appropriate $75,429,823from the General Fund
of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year ending
September 30, 2016, to provide funding for the operations of all
branches of the National Government of the Federated States of
Micronesia, its agencies, various programs, grants, subsidies and
contributions and Capital and Human Resources Development, and for
other purposes. |
19-31 |
09.30.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-89, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-102, 18-110, 18-116, 19-02, 19-09,
19-27, and 19-28, by amending sections 1 and 9 thereof, to deapproriate
funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. |
19-30 |
09.23.15 |
To repeal Public Law No. 14-48, which added
section 419 to title 55 of the Code of the Federated States of
Micronesia (Annotated), relating to the implementation of the
Infrastructure Development Plan; and which further amended section 204
of title 32 F.S.M.C. exempting such activities from the foreign
investment laws, in its entirety, and for other purposes. :[CB
18-45 ] OVERRIDE 9.23.15 |
19-29 |
09.28.15 |
To amend section 204 of title 2 of the Code of
the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), for the purpose of
improving the efficiency for the Executive Branch by dissolving the
Office of SBOC, assigning its functions to the Executive departments or
agencies, and for other purposes. |
19-28 |
09.18.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-89, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-102, 18-110, 18-116, 19-02, 19-09, and
19-27, by amending sections 3, 8, and 11 thereof, to change the use of
funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. |
19-27 |
08.31.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-89, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-102, 18-110, 18-116, 19-02 and 19-09, by
amending sections 4, 8, 9 and 13 thereof, to change the use and allotee
of funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. |
19-26 |
08.31.15 |
To amend Public Law No. 19-10, by amending
sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use and allottee of funds
previously appropriated therein for the purpose of funding public
projects and social programs in the States of Pohnpei, Kosrae and
Chuuk, to offer technical amendments, and for other purposes. |
19-25 |
08.27.15 |
To appropriate the sum of $2,844,880 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of funding the Public
Infrastructure Project of Nanpei Memorial High School and the Library
Project, to provide funds to Pohnpei School Designs, and for other
purposes. |
19-24 |
08.20.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112, 18-122 and 19-07, by
amending sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use, allottee
and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated for public
projects and social programs for the people of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and
Chuuk States, and for other purposes. |
19-23 |
08.20.15 |
To authorize the President of the Federated
States of Micronesia, or his designee, to negotiate a sovereign
guarantee to secure an Asian Development Bank loan in the amount of
$16.4 million, to fund the Pohnpei Port Development Project, and for
other purposes. |
19-22 |
08.19.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-36, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-48, 17-78, 17-87, 18-36, 18-65 and
18-84, by amending sections 4 and 6 thereof, for the purpose of
changing the use, allottee and lapse date of certain funds previously
appropriated therein to fund public projects and social programs for
each of the states, and for other purposes. |
19-21 |
08.13.15 |
To further amend section 913 of title 24 of the
Code of the Federated States of Micronesia (Annotated), as amended by
Public Law No. 18-108, to extend the application of subsection
913(4)(b) to Purse Seine Vessels to October 31, 2015, and for other
purposes. |
19-20 |
08.04.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-07, 18-14, 18-31, 18-38, 18-72, 18-82,
18-93 and 18-105 by amending sections 2 and 4 thereof, for the purpose
of changing the use of certain funds previously appropriated therein,
for public projects and social programs in the States of Kosrae and
Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-19 |
08.03.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 16-62, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-71, 17-05, 17-18, 17-29, 17-47, 18-23,
18-33, 18-50 and 18-79, by amending section 6 thereof, to change the
allottee and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated
therein, and for other purposes. |
19-18 |
08.03.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-59, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-63, 17-66, 17-70, 17-77, 17-86, 18-21,
18-29, 18-64 and 18-83, by amending sections 4 and 6 thereof, for the
purpose of changing the use, allottee and lapse date of certain funds
previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects and social
programs for the States of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-17 |
08.03.15 |
To amend Public Law No. 15-32, as amended by
Public Laws Nos. 15-36, 15-44, 15-57, 15-63, 15-72, 15-78, 16-03,
16-11, 16-33, 16-46, 17-12, 17-21, 17-33, 17-40, 18-17, 18-67, 18-85
and 18-104, by amending sections 1 and 2 thereof, for the purpose of
changing the lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated
therein to fund public projects and social programs in the States of
Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-16 |
08.03.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 17-68, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 17-71, 17-81, 17-84, 17-89, 17-90, 18-03,
18-10, 18-13, 18-32,18-46, 18-58, 18-73, 18-87 and 18-95, by amending
section 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the allottee and lapse
date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other
purposes. |
19-15 |
08.03.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-42, as
amended by Public Law No. 18-56, by amending section 2 thereof, to
change the lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated therein,
to fund the airport terminal facilities improvement and the upgrade of
equipment of the Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting (ARFF) buildings in
the States of Kosrae, Chuuk, Yap and Pohnpei, and for other purposes. |
19-14 |
08.03.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 15-80, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-04, 17-53, 18-37 and 18-66, by amending
section 2 thereof, for the purpose of changing the allottee and lapse
date of certain funds previously appropriated therein, and for other
purposes. |
19-13 |
08.03.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 16-18, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-24, 16-32, 16-39, 16-45, 16-54, 16-67,
17-04, 17-14, 17-26, 17-39, 17-65, 18-27, 18-47 and 18-80, by amending
section 2 thereof, to change the allottee and lapse date of certain
funds previously appropriated therein, and for other purposes. |
19-12 |
08.03.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61, 18-63, 18-78, 18-98, 18-111,
18-123 and 19-06, by amending sections 4 and 5 thereof, to change the
use of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects
and social programs for the people of States of Pohnpei and Chuuk, and
for other purposes. |
19-11 |
08.03.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 16-49, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 16-68, 16-76, 17-06, 17-10, 17-23, 17-30,
17-32, 17-45, 17-82, 17-85, 18-28, 18-45, 18-59 and 18-86, by amending
sections 4 and 6 thereof, for the use purpose of changing the use,
allottee and lapse date of certain funds previously appropriated
therein, and for other purposes. |
19-10 |
07.24.15 |
To appropriate the sum of $2,800,000 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2015, for the purpose of funding public projects
and social programs in the States of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk,
and for other purposes. |
19-09 |
07.24.15 |
To appropriate a supplemental budget in the
amount of $593,396 from the General Fund of the Federated States of
Micronesia for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, by amending
sections 1, 2, 3, 6, 8, 9, and 13 of Public Law No. 18-89, as amended
by Public Laws Nos. 18-102, 18-110, 18-116, and 19-02 to change the
conditions of certain funds therein, and for other purposes. |
19-08 |
07.24.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-117, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-120 and 19-04, by amending sections 2, 3
and 4 thereof, to change the use of funds previously appropriated
therein, for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs
for the people in the States of Yap, Kosrae and Pohnpei, and for other
purposes. |
19-07 |
06.16.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-70, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-98, 18-112 and 18-122, by amending
sections 3, 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the use, allottee and lapse
date of certain funds previously appropriated for public projects and
social programs for the people of Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk States, and
for other purposes. |
19-06 |
06.11.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-35, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-49, 18-61, 18-63, 18-94, 18-111 and
18-123, by amending sections 4 and 6 thereof, to change the use,
allottee and lapse date of funds previously appropriated therein, to
fund public projects and social programs in the States of Yap, Kosrae,
Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-05 |
06.11.15 |
To further amend Public Law No. 18-99, as
amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-106, 18-113 and 18-121, by amending
sections 4, 5, and 6 thereof, to change the use, allottee and lapse
date of funds previously appropriated therein, to fund public projects
and social programs for the people of the States of Kosrae, Pohnpei and
Chuuk, and for other purposes. |
19-04 |
06.11.15 |
further amend Public Law No. 18-117, as amended by Public Law No.
18-120, by amending sections 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 thereof, to change the
use, allottee and lapse date of funds previously appropriated therein,
for the purpose of funding public projects and social programs for the
people in the States of Yap, Kosrae, Pohnpei and Chuuk, and for other
purposes. : [CB
19-11| CD4] |
19-03 |
06.14.15 |
further amend Public Law No. 18-05, as amended by Public Laws Nos.
18-07, 18-14, 18-31, 18-38, 18-72, 18-82, 18-93 and 18-105, by amending
sections 5 and 6 thereof, for the purpose of changing the use, allottee
and lapse date of funds previously appropriated, to fund public
projects and social programs in the State of Chuuk, and for other
purposes. :
[CB19-14] |
19-02 |
06.04.15 |
appropriate a supplemental budget in the amount of $1,954,482 from the
General Fund of the Federated States of Micronesia for the fiscal year
ending September 30, 2015, by amending sections 1, 2, 3, 8, and 9 of
Public Law No. 18-89, as amended by Public Laws Nos. 18-102, 18-110,
and 18-116, to change the conditions of certain funds therein, and for
other purposes. : [CB
19-19 | CD3] |
19-01 |
05-15.15 |
repeal Public Law No. 16-75, which established a Federated States of
Micronesia Unified Revenue Authority, in its entirety, allowing for a
three-month transition period, and for other purposes. : [CB
18-270 | CD1] OVERRIDE 5.15.15 |
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URL: http://www.paclii.org/fm/indices/legis/public_laws_19.html