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Sunday Observance Decree 1987




IN exercise of the powers vested in me as Commander and Head of the Fiji Military Government, I hereby make the following Decree:

1. This Decree may be cited as the Sunday Observance Decree, 1987.

2.-(1) Sunday shall be observed in the Republic of Fiji as a sacred day and a day of worship and thanksgiving to Christ the Lord and such observation shall be without prejudice to section 3(2) and section 10 of the Fundamental Freedoms Decree.

(2) For the purpose of this Decree Sunday commences at midnight on the preceding Saturday and ends at midnight on Sunday.

3. All persons irrespective of whether or not they profess the Christian faith shall respect Sunday and shall subject to section (4) of this Decree neither do nor omit to do any act that may undermine the significance of Sunday to the Christians in the Republic of Fiji.

4. The following activities may be undertaken on Sunday:

(a) performance of essential services as set out in the Schedule to this Decree;

(b) carriage of persons from one place to another in a private motor vehicle;

(c) transport to and participation in worship: religious discussions and activities;

(d) preparation of food outside a dwelling house by way of a 'lovo' or barbecue;

(e) tendering of essential services in relation to domestic animals:

Provided that the performance of any of the above is not in relation to the conduct or furtherance of any trade, business or gainful employment and in respect of (d) above it shall be an essential precondition that all the food and materials required are gathered prior to Sunday.

5.-(1) Subject to sections 2 and 4 of this Decree all other activities not normally carried out on Sunday are prohibited and as such are unlawful.

(2) For the avoidance of any doubt it shall be unlawful for a person to do any of the following on Sunday:

(a) attend picnic and/or any gathering in a public place or participation in any sporting activities anywhere;

(b) engage in commerce or trade for profit and performance of professional services wherever for a fee or levy;

(c) operate buses, taxis or other means of public transport;

(d) operate a hotel, restaurant, cinema or nightclub and related activities or businesses.

Provided that bona fide tourists (whenever any of the above is relevant) shall not be affected by any of such prohibitions and are exempted therefrom and such tourists shall be entitled to be served as normal without any repercussions on the person providing the service required by them.

6. Any other activities sought to be carried out on Sunday and for whatever reason and/or purpose it is sought to be carried out shall only be carried out following the obtainment of a permit from the nearest police station, and, such permit shall only be issued by officers holding the rank of Inspectors and above and for rural stations by station officers or their assistants from time to time.

7. Any person who is in breach of any of the provisions of this Decree shall be guilty of an offence and upon conviction shall be liable to a fine of not exceeding $100.00 or to 1 month's imprisonment or liable to both such fine and term of imprisonment.

8. This Decree shall come into force on 29th October 1987.

Dated this 11th day of November 1987.


Commander and Head of the Fiji Military Government



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