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Grant of Immunity from Criminal Prosecutions and Civil Proceedings to Political Offenders and Escaped Prisoners Decree 1988






1. Short title
2. Interpretation
3. Grant of Immunity to political offenders
4. Grant of Immunity to escaped prisoners
5. Coming into force

IN exercise of the powers conferred upon me under section 25 of the Head of State and Executive Authority of Fiji Decree 1988, I as President and Commander-in-Chief of the Republic of Fiji hereby make the following decree-

Short title

1. This Decree may be cited as the Grant of Immunity from Criminal Prosecutions and Civil Proceedings to Political Offenders and Escaped Prisoners Decree 1988.


2. In this Decree-

“political offenders” means those persons who are charged for offences allegedly committed by them within the period 13th April 1987 to 7th October 1987, such offences being either directly or indirectly prompted and motivated by the political developments during that period and including persons who have been subject of police complaints for their actions which were prompted or motivated by the political developments during that period but have not been charged for any offence, but shall not include persons charged for offences which are offences recognised in international law under any convention treaty or agreement to which Fiji is a party;

“escaped prisoners” means prisoners who during the hours of darkness between 22nd and 23rd September 1987 were alleged to have escaped from lawful custody from Naboro Prison after having set fire to a prison dormitory.

Grant of Immunity to political offenders

3. All political offenders whose names appear in Schedule 1 hereto are hereby granted immunity from criminal prosecutions and civil proceedings that may be brought or pending against them as a result of charges and claims arising either directly or indirectly from their actions during the period 13th April 1987 to 7th October 1987 and, no criminal charges or civil proceedings shall be brought or continued against them in any court of law in relation to such actions.

Grant of Immunity to escaped prisoners

4. All persons whose names appear in Schedule II hereto are hereby granted immunity from criminal prosecutions and civil proceedings that may be brought against them as a result of their actions either collectively or as individuals when they allegedly escaped from lawful custody after having set fire to a prison dormitory and no criminal charges or civil proceedings shall be brought against them in any Court of law in relation to such actions.

Coming into force

5. This Decree shall be deemed to have come into force on 8th February 1988.

Dated this 5th day of February 1988.


President and Commander-in-Chief



1. Manasa Tora Uluikavoro
2. Jona Qio
3. Vishwa Nadan s/o Gopal
4. Manik Raj Reddy s/o Gnaga Dharam Reddy
5. Daya Nand s/o Pulinappan Pillay
6. Rusiate Natotobu
7. Anil Kumar s/o Ram Asre
8. Mohammed Salim s/o Mohammed Bhika
9. Kamala Segran Naidu s/o Ram Sami Naidu
10. Ranjit Singh s/o Girdhara Singh
11. Vishwa Pillay s/o Muthu Sami Pillay
12. Alifereti Fisaitu
13. Jone Bati
14. Ben Lenion
15. Freddy Nauluvula
16. Josefa Raiboro
17. Dennis Montu
18. Sani Pele Nato
19. Timoci Waqa
20. Tomasi Turagava
21. Paula Suka
22. Sitiveni Makaba
23. Marika Rabaka
24. Lisala Korobiau
25. Velema Daubitu
26. Esala Tuibua
27. Apisai Vuniyayawa Tora
28. Rajeshwar Singh s/o Chatter Singh
29. Radha Krishnan s/o Krishnan Chetty
30. Indar Jit s/o Ram Sami
31. Asaeli Tuivu
32. Kiliaoni Naitini
33. Sitiveni Kirisimasi
34. Filipe Batinibuli
35. Etuwate Saurara
36. Ulaiasi Vosabalavu
37. Paula Kotobalavu
38. Atunaisa Tagivava
39. Akuila Buli
40. Timoci Voce
41. Akariva Vula
42. Mafi Suka
43. Sitiveni Kurusiga
44. Deo Janam s/o Ram Janam
45. Param Bir s/o Ragur Bir



1. Anasa Kenawai
2. Are Mosese
3. Aporosa Mumu
4. Anare Navusolo
5. Eremasi Levui
6. Gabrieli Nanitu
7. Gauna Mateiwai
8. Isimeli Curusara
9. Ifereimi Ratu
10. Jotame Loga
11. Jimi Magoon
12. Jolame Senitoa
13. Jone Civatabua
14. Josefa Naisua
15. Jone Toga
16. Josefa Naivalurua
17. Kolinio Sawabu
18. Kaveni Leka
19. Livai Koroi
20. Lepolo Macanawai
21. Laisenia Sekuru
22. Meli Bativia
23. Mataiasi Curusese
24. Meli Turagarua
25. Neumi Vuniwai
26. Neori Cokanasiga
27. Onisimo Seru
28. Peni Gadai
29. Ropate Cabelawa
30. Sitanili Waqaniboro
31. Serupepeli Vueta
32. Sogaitu Firipo
33. Sitiveni Koroi
34. Semisi Waqaitabisa
35. Saimoni Kacilala
36. Senitiki Rogorai
37. Sikeli Tuiele
38. Sekove Vatuabete
39. Sanaila Tawake
40. Watisoni Tawake
41. Tevita Bulumakau
42. Tomasi Raibelawa
43. Tanasio Tikoisuva
44. Uasia Koroi
45. Viliame Bogisa
46. Vereimi Ikaniwai
47. Varasiko Tuwai
48. Vetaiki Vido
49. Vikatore Taveusi
50. Watisoni Bainivanua
51. Watanasio Camaira
52. Ilaitia Cagiveisau
53. Osea Rabonu
54. Ravuama Koroi
55. Jiuta Waga
56. Nikasio Tupou
57. Eloni Sorwaqa
58. Wili Waqa
59. Niko Raburogo
60. Naucakidi Lagilagi
61. Samuela Ravasucala
62. Anasa Koroitamana
63. Savenaca Waga
64. Aisake Tawake
65. Jona Bole
66. Manasa Maafu
67. Mataiasi Bulivou
68. Inoke Koromua
69. Paula Raturoraduri
70. Josaia Qaduadua
71. Tomasi Tawake
72. Pita Domoni
73. Manueli Tokabodo
74. Simione Nakasamai
75. Tomasi Bati
76. Erami Koro
77. Satitikula Rokolade
78. Vilitati Vere
79. Setoa Tuta
80. Epeli Naqaukalou
81. Jone Draunidalo
82. Maika Tuicakau
83. Alivereti Naqelelevu
84. Josevata Tinalevu
85. Iliesa Kauvakatolu
86. Solomoni Natou
87. Jona Saukuru
88. Atunaisa Baka
89. Mikaele Vukicea
90. Semuri Navugona
91. Mausio Susau
92. Epeli Rakai
93. Apisai Susu
94. Josaia Lutu
95. Saiasi Ravadra
96. Emirami Bokai
97. Soni Veremo
98. Waisake Vakalele
99. Jone Ranutekula
100. Tomasi Sinudamu
101. Alivereti Mataloa
102. Joseva Ravia
103. Keith Smith
104. Manueli Waikilau
105. Pauliasi Vatunilaba
106. Rusiate Natekuru
107. Sovita Nasemira
108. Seremaia Ravula
109. Epeli Lagi
110. Iliesa Ratubalavu
111. Mosese Gasaudrokadroka
112. Simione Cagilaba
113. Kida Vula
114. Filepe Ravouvou
115. Waisake Rokotuitai


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